Safeguarding Masterclasses
Crafted and developed by experienced education professionals, our masterclasses offer a tailored learning experience designed to address the specific needs and challenges faced by safeguarding professionals in educational settings. Join us on this journey of continuous learning and professional growth.
Delivered by industry experts with years of hands-on experience, each 3-hour live and interactive masterclass delves deep into critical safeguarding topics, providing practical insights, actionable strategies, and real-world solutions. Whether you're seeking to enhance your safeguarding knowledge, refine your skills, or stay updated on the latest best practices, our masterclasses empower you to excel in your role and make a meaningful impact on the safety and well-being of the pupils/students in your care.
We also offer a range of Subject Specific Masterclasses for DSLs/DDSLs (usually 2-3 hours each) who want a more specific focus on emerging trends, research, resources, and responses to a range of key safeguarding topics. Topics we regularly deliver are:
Annual Safeguarding Compliance Update: Leading an effective Whole School Approach
Sexual Violence, Sexual Harassment and Harmful Sexual Behaviour
Annual Online Safety Update for DSLs, including emerging risks and trends
Mental Health in Education Update
Contextual Safeguarding and Extra-Familial Harms, including CCE, CSE & County Lines
Safeguarding your most vulnerable pupils/students
Key Issue Updates: Honour Based Abuse, FGM, Forced Marriage, Domestic Abuse & Violence against Women & Girls
Evidencing excellent Safeguarding Practice: Record Keeping, File Reviews, Supervision & Conducting Internal/External Reviews
Neglect: Recognising and Responding to the Impact on Children
Leading Outstanding Safeguarding through Engaging the Wider Stakeholders: Pupils, Students, Parents & Governors
Managing Allegations against members of staff and volunteers, including Low-Level Concerns
Managing Complex Safeguarding Issues, including Fabricated or Induced Illness, Disguised Compliance, Child Parent Abuse & Parental Mental Health Concerns
Managing, Maintaining and Monitoring the Single Central Record
Bespoke sessions - researched, designed and delivered to meet your requirements.
Each of our masterclasses can also be delivered face-to-face, in-house, for your School/College/Trust and tailored to your needs. Please get in touch for more details.

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