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Whole staff in house training dicussion

INSET In-House Staff Training

We offer in-house staff training sessions and key topic workshops which usually take 1.5 to 2 hours per session but can be tailored to suit your requirements. All of our training courses can either be delivered face-to-face or live-online, depending on your preference, and can easily be combined to create a half day or full day training programme.


Safeguarding is fast-paced; legislation, guidance and emerging issues are continually changing. It is imperative that professionals and volunteers working with young people and vulnerable adults are kept up-to-date with the highest quality training and advice in order to fulfil their statutory safeguarding duties and to enable those in their care to have the best outcomes.


Equally Mental Health concerns in both children and adults have increased significantly over the last few years so now, more than 1 in 6 young people have a probable mental disorder. Staff in schools and colleges have found themselves in a situation where they need to increase their knowledge around the different concerns they are encountering and how best to respond. 


The quality of training is crucial to its effectiveness. All too often staff training is dry and boring, often watching videos and answering multiple choice questions in order to get a certificate and tick a box, and is seen merely as something that organisations must do in order to comply with legal requirements.  At brightcore consultancy we believe that training must inspire and motivate staff to do their utmost to safeguard and support the young people and vulnerable adults they come into contact with – anything else is letting them down.


We offer bespoke training packages for staff on all aspects of safeguarding and child protection to suit you and/or your organisation’s needs. Whether it is one-to-one work with your DSL / Senior Mental Health Lead, or small / large group training, whole staff training or conferences, the outcome will be the same: quality, focused, inspirational and motivational training.​​

Sessions we regularly deliver include:


  • Whole Staff Full Safeguarding Training

  • Certified Safer Recruitment (Full Day)

  • Changes to KCSIE - annual update

  • Safer Working Practices (including Low Level Concerns)

  • Dealing with Disclosures

  • Online-Safety

  • Digital Wellbeing: Finding Balance in an ever increasing technological world

  • Links between safeguarding and mental health

  • CCE, County Lines & Child Sexual Exploitation

  • Contextual Safeguarding and Extra-Familial Harms

  • The Changing Nature of Childhood: Lived Experience of Children Today

  • Female Genital Mutilation

  • Understanding and responding to Child-on-Child Abuse including Sexual Violence & Sexual Harassment

  • Neglect (including affluent neglect)

  • Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACES); the impact on Mental Health and Behaviour in Schools.

  • Understanding the Adolescent Brain

  • Single Central Record Training for key staff


Mental Health:


Please get in touch if you would like to find out more about any of the above.

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