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Children learning with DSL

Safeguarding I Education

Specialist Safeguarding Consultation and Training Provision for your educational organisation.

We specialise in providing highly effective strategic safeguarding support for all educational settings UK-wide working with young people to enable them to safeguard those in their care to the best of their ability.  


Safeguarding is fast-paced; legislation, guidance and emerging issues are continuously changing. It is imperative that professionals working with young people are kept up-to-date with the highest quality training and advice in order to fulfil their statutory safeguarding duties and to empower them to take action to enable all children and young people to have the best outcomes in life.


Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children is defined as: 


• providing help and support to meet the needs of children as soon as problems emerge 

• protecting children from maltreatment, whether that is within or outside the home, including online 

• preventing the impairment of children’s mental and physical health or development 

• ensuring that children grow up in circumstances consistent with the provision of safe and effective care 

• taking action to enable all children to have the best outcomes   

Services for educational settings include:

Parental Workshops

Parental Workshops

We offer parental workshops/ information sessions on a range of topics for schools and colleges who wish to arrange them to support their parent body. All of our parent sessions are focused on the latest research and guidance, and provide practical ideas and support strategies for parents to utilise.

Staff INSET Training

Staff INSET Training

We offer in-house staff training sessions and key topic workshops which usually take 1.5 to 2 hours but can be tailored to suit your requirements, and all of our training courses can either be delivered face-to-face or live-online, depending on your preference.

Safeguarding review

Safeguarding Review

We provide a bespoke service to independently evaluate and improve the safeguarding provision within your organisation. This can be tailored to suit your specific needs but usually involves a bespoke safeguarding provision audit, including consultation with key stakeholders, and the development of an individual high-quality improvement plan to form part of your wider strategic development and to ensure that you confidently meet all current statutory and regulatory requirements.

DSL Training

DSL Training

We design and deliver a range of high quality, certified, interactive courses to support DSL and DDSLs which all include up-to-date research and a focus on case management using Local Safeguarding Partnership procedures.

Governor Training

Governor Training

We provide a range of high quality, instructor-led training sessions to support school and college governors/trustees in meeting their statutory requirements, along with enhancing their understanding of the key presenting issues in the fields of safeguarding and mental health in education.



We provide supervision to DSLs, DDSLs & Designated Senior Mental Health Leads and their deputies. Regular safeguarding and clinical supervision has been a feature of both social care and clinical settings for many years, and yet many education settings still do not have this crucial support structure in place, despite regular recommendation in numerous child safeguarding practice reviews.

Safer Recruitment Training

Safer Recruitment Training

The Safer Recruitment Training is a one day course and accommodates up to 20 participants. The training is live and delivered virtually via zoom by a highly experienced accredited trainer.

Strategic Support

Strategic Support

We regularly provide bespoke strategic support to support the many schools and colleges that we work with.

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