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Safeguarding Audit Review

Ofsted & ISI Compliant School
Safeguarding Review

Helping you prepare for Ofsted

Safeguarding and Child Protection legislation and guidance is updated frequently and can often be complex. At Brightcore Consultancy we provide a wealth of experience, knowledge and understanding to enable you to be confident that you remain fully informed, up to date and Ofsted compliant.


Our bespoke and highly-rated School Safeguarding Review enables you to independently evaluate and improve the safeguarding provision within your organisation. The core purpose is to provide expert support and develop an individual high-quality improvement plan to form part of your wider strategic development and to ensure that you confidently meet all current statutory and regulatory requirements.

What does a full School Safeguarding Review look like?

We understand that every education setting is different, and your school safeguarding review should reflect your specific circumstances. However, our standard full School Safeguarding Review is exceptionally thorough and typically encompasses a three-day process, including a full day on-site. Here's a glimpse of what this comprehensive School Safeguarding Review entails:



  1. A full Day Pre-Visit Website and Policy Analysis: Our experts will conduct a thorough and detailed pre-visit compliance review of your entire website and all available policies relating to safeguarding, which, aside from the obvious policies, will also include the Health and Safety Policy, SEND Policy, Exclusion Policy, Medical Needs Policy, Attendance Policy, LAC Policy, Anti-Bullying Policy, Physical Intervention Policy, Data Protection and Retention Policy, safeguarding information for visitors, and the Online Safety Policy and Acceptable Use Agreement Forms.

  2. Evaluation of Your Annual Safeguarding Audit and Action Plan: We'll assess your annual safeguarding audit and action plan, which can be submitted either in advance or on the day of the review.


A full day on-site (or longer if you prefer)

  1. Meetings with Key Stakeholders to evaluate your whole-school approach to safeguarding. This will include: meetings with various key stakeholders within your organisation, including the Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL), the IT lead, senior administrative officer/HR lead, the Safeguarding Governor/Trustee, the PSHE/RSHE curriculum lead, the Educational Visits Coordinator, the Designated Senior Mental Health Lead, the SENDCO, the Attendance Officer, a sample of staff, a sample of pupils/students, and we'll also tour your site.

  2. Review of Documentation: Our team will review critical documentation, including the Single Central Record, case management, the recording of concerns, training logs.

  3. Evaluation of Safeguarding Management: We'll delve into how your school manages the safeguarding agenda, looking at roles, responsibilities, and their alignment with job descriptions.


Following the visit 

We will spend a further day producing two highly detailed reports for you which will be sent through within an agreed timeframe, usually 1 week.


  • One report summarising each of the meetings and areas reviewed together with a clear list of action points and good practice recommendations relating to each meeting

  • A second report, detailing the evidence seen relating to each of nearly 250 different aspects of your provision that have been reviewed during the process, RAG Rated with clear detail as to exactly what needs to be improved to demonstrate effectiveness in each area.


By the end of the process, you will have a thorough external appraisal of the effectiveness of your whole school approach to safeguarding, a clear understanding of the areas of good practice seen, and detailed recommendations relating to possible improvements based on (nationally observed exemplary practice) relating to each of the following areas:


  • Policies & Procedures

  • Leadership & Management

  • Oversight and Safeguarding Governance

  • Incident management & Record Keeping

  • Recruitment & Selection Procedures (including a thorough SCR check)

  • Training & Staff Knowledge

  • The Voice of the Child

  • Online Safety (including a review of Filtering and Monitoring Provision)

  • The Safeguarding of additionally vulnerable pupils (including your SEND & Mental Health Provision)

  • Parental Engagement

  • Attendance Procedures relating to Safeguarding.

  • Teaching & Learning – Safeguarding Education

  • Site Safety & Security


If you would like more information or to book a review please get in touch.







The Safeguarding Review was exceptional; thoroughly informed advice given and delivered in a supportive, accessible way.



Senior Deputy Head Pastoral, Designated Safeguarding Lead,

Francis Holland School Sloane Square

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