The New to the Role of Designated Safeguarding Lead Course is an expert-led course for those new to the role of school / college DSLs and or Deputy DSL. It is an extensive, authoritative and highly rated, full-day training course that ensures DSLs & DDSLs have the most comprehensive, effective and up-to-date understanding and knowledge of how to lead the safeguarding provision in their setting.
All too often DSLs and Deputy DSLs come to us fed up with the dull 'death by powerpoint' statutory training they have attended through their LA, or the 'watch, click and multiple-choice' DSL refresher course that they have attended through an online course provider in order to meet their statutory training requirements... this course is nothing like those!
High Quality Training for DSLs and DDSLs
On this course, working with an expert trainer and highly experienced DSL, you will not only meet your statutory training requirements, but will also benefit from the latest research, presented in an engaging and motivating format, designed to ensure that you stay up to date on current developments, emerging risks, and best practice, whilst discussing case studies and sharing best-practice with your co-delegates. ​
​PLEASE NOTE - This course is Day 1 of a 2 day process - All new DSLs/DDSLs should also attend a second day of Training (the DSL Update course) to complete their training. Places are limited to a maximum of 15 delegates per course to ensure high quality, bespoke training.​
This course will provide:
A clear focus on the role and responsibilities of the DSL/DDSL, both in relation to your school/college and the wider safeguarding processes. Participants will gain relevant knowledge of national legislation and guidance regarding safeguarding children in schools/colleges, and the key responsibilities and requirements that determines their settings policies and procedures.
A clear understanding of the different types of abuse and neglect and how to respond to these effectively as a DSL, as well as understanding recent developments with regards to safeguarding practice, including the current national and local situation, Domestic Abuse, and learning from SCRs/CSPRs.
The knowledge of how to respond effectively as a DSL to concerns about children, including, what is likely to happen following a referral/request for support, and understanding the role the setting has to play and the role of the DSL within multi-agency working.
A thorough understanding of the most effective evidence-based practice with practical examples and leading case-studies including how to support students who do not meet the threshold for Children's Social Care involvement.
An understanding of how to create a 'safer culture' within schools/colleges, including identifying the barriers for reporting abuse and how to overcome them, how to advise staff of their responsibilities, and how to lead an effective whole school/college approach.
Upcoming Dates
New to the role of DSL - Day 1
New to the role of DSL - Day 2

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