The Designated Safeguarding Lead Refresher/Update Course is an expert-led update and refresher course for school and college DSLs and their Deputies. It is an extensive, authoritative and highly rated, full-day training course that ensures DSL/DDSLs have the most comprehensive, effective and up-to-date knowledge and strategies in place to lead the safeguarding provision in their setting. Legally the DSL course should be retaken every two years, however, most DSLs carry out the refresher yearly in order to keep up to date with changes to policies and procedures.​
High quality DSL training
On this full-day course, working with an expert trainer and highly experienced DSL, you will not only meet your statutory duty to refresh and update your training, but will also benefit from the latest research, presented in an engaging and motivating format, designed to ensure that you stay up to date on current developments, emerging risks, and best practice, whilst discussing case studies and sharing best-practice with your co-delegates.
Places are limited to a maximum of 15 delegates per course to ensure high quality, bespoke training.
This course will provide:
An awareness of the recent key statutory and guidance documents that have come into force that DSLs & Senior Teams need to ensure are in place.
A clear understanding of recent developments with regards to safeguarding practice: The current national and local situation, Domestic Abuse, and learning from SCRs/CSPRs.
A clear understanding of recent developments and learning with regards to Child Sexual Abuse, including Harmful Sexual Behaviour (HSB) and Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment (SVSH).
A clear understanding of emerging online risks for children and young people, meeting your statutory requirement for an annual update in this ever changing area of risk.
An examination and understanding of the changing nature of the criminal exploitation of children and the role of both technology and serious violence.
A clear focus on the role of the DSL/DDSL, both in relation to your school/college and wider safeguarding processes.
A thorough understanding of the most effective evidence-based practice with practical examples and leading case-studies including how to support students who do not meet the threshold for Children's Social Care involvement.
Upcoming Dates

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